
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TenderFact

This table reflects tender line item details used in analyzing customer payment habits and patterns. It is based on retail transaction tender line items and allows retailers to analyze customer payment preferences.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32)
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (PK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint
BusinessUnitID (FK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_BSN_UN Identity integer BusinessUnitDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_BUSINESS_UNIT)
BusinessDayDate The calendar date of the BusinessDay. DC_DY_BSN DateCalendar date
WorkstationID The unique identifier for the WORKSTATION, typically the serial number. ID_WS Identity integer
OperatorID A unique, automatically assigned number used to identify a workstation OPERATOR. ID_OPR Identity integer
CancelledFlag A flag denoting that this entire transaction has been cancelled before it was completed at the POS. FL_CNCL Flag int
VoidedFlag A flag denoting that this entire transaction has been voided (and reversed) after it was completed at the POS via a PostVoidTransaction. FL_VD Flag int
SuspendedFlag A flag denoting that this entire transaction has been suspended before it was completed at the POS. FL_SPN Flag int
TrainingFlag A flag to signify whether the workstation is in training mode. FL_TRG_TRN Flag int
CustomerID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Customer. ID_CT Identity int CustomerDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_CT)
ChannelID (FK) Token Identifier for a channel instance ID_CHNL Identity int ChannelDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_CHNL)
RetailShoppingTripTypeCode A code designating the purpose of the shopping trip that is related to a RetailTransaction. Examples: QUICKSTOP FILLIN STOCKUP CD_RTL_SHPPG_TRP_TYP Code varchar(20)
UnitCount The total number of individual ITEMs (SKU's) which are sold in the transaction QU_UN_RTL_TRN QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TillID The unique identifier for the TENDER RESPOSITORY. ID_RPSTY_TND Identity int
ISO4217CurrencyCode Currency code designated by ISO to identify national currency CD_CNY_ISO_4217 ISO_4217_CurrencyCode_char(3) char(3)
TenderTypeCode A code which uniquely identifies the type of tender, ie cash, check, credit card, etc. Sample Values: CASH - currency CREDIT - credit card DEBIT - debit card CUST_ACCT - customer credit account with retailer EBT - electronic benefits transfer CHEQUE - personal or business cheque STORED_VALUE - gift cert. or gift card COUPON - mfg coupon VOUCHER - retailer issued debit (e.g. coinstar voucher) SEND_CHECK - paid out/refund via acct pay. TRADEIN - trade in kind/trade in debit OTHER - other debit offset tender type TY_TND Code varchar(20)
CoPayFlag A flag denoting that this TenderLineItem is a Customer Co-Payment against a drugstore purchase. FL_CO_PAY Flag int
TenderAmountApplied The value of the tender in local business unit currency applied to offeset (debit) the credit items in a retail transaction. MO_TRN_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
TenderISO4217CurrencyCode Currency code designated by ISO to identify national currency CD_CNY_ISO_4217_TND ISO_4217_CurrencyCode_char(3) char(3)
TenderDenominationID An identifier which uniquely identifies the quantitative value of a specific currency, e.g. $100, �50, etc. TND_DNM_ID Number int
DenominationQuantity The number of the Denomination units used by the TenderLineItem. TND_DNM_QU Quantity decimal(9,2)
ToISO4217CurrencyID Currency code designated by ISO to identify national currency CD_CNY_ISO_4217_LCL ISO_4217_CurrencyCode_char(3) char(3)
ToBuyAmount The buying rate of the tender type, based on the store's local currency. MO_RT_TO_BUY ExchangeRate decimal(14,9)
ToSellAmount The selling rate of the tender type, based on the store's local currency MO_RT_TO_SL ExchangeRate decimal(14,9)
ServiceFeeAmount The add-on fee, in local currency amounts, imposed on the exchange MO_FE_SV_EXC Money decimal(16,5)
ExchangeRateEffectiveDate The date on which a specific exchange rate becomes effective. DC_RT_EXC_EF EffectiveDate date
ExchangeRateExpirationDate Date on which the exchange rate expires and is no longer valid. DC_RT_EXC_EP ExpirationDate date
CashAmountAppliedToTransaction The monetary amount being applied to the TransactionTotal. CSH_MO_TRN_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
CashForeignCurrencyAmount The monetary value (in the currency submitted by the Customer) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CSH_MO_FRG_CY MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
CashExchangeRate The exchange rate used to convert the tendered amount into the default currency of the retail enterprise. CSH_MO_RTE_EXC MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
CashTenderAmount The monetary value (in the default currency of the retail enterprise) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CSH_MO_ITM_LN_TND Money decimal(16,5)
ChangeAmountAppliedToTransaction The monetary amount being applied to the TransactionTotal. CHG_MO_TRN_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
ChangeForeignCurrencyAmount The monetary value (in the currency submitted by the Customer) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CHG_MO_FRG_CY MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
ChangeExchangeRate The exchange rate used to convert the tendered amount into the default currency of the retail enterprise. CHG_MO_RTE_EXC MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
ChangeTenderAmount The monetary value (in the default currency of the retail enterprise) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CHG_MO_ITM_LN_TND Money decimal(16,5)
CheckAmountAppliedToTransaction The monetary amount being applied to the TransactionTotal. CHK_MO_TRN_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
CheckForeignCurrencyAmount The monetary value (in the currency submitted by the Customer) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CHK_MO_FRG_CY MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
CheckExchangeRate The exchange rate used to convert the tendered amount into the default currency of the retail enterprise. CHK_MO_RTE_EXC MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
CheckTenderAmount The monetary value (in the default currency of the retail enterprise) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CHK_MO_ITM_LN_TND Money decimal(16,5)
CheckTenderMediaBrandID Token identifyer for a tender media brand. CHK_ID_TND_MD_BRN IdentityUUID char(32)
BankID The unique identifier of the bank or third party authorization center. ID_BK_CHK Identity int
CheckAccountNumber The check account number of CUSTOMERs whose checks have been previously honored or rejected. Retaining a check history by CUSTOMER provides the RETAIL STORE with a means of tender authorization. ID_ACNT_CHK Identity int
AdjudicationCode A code to denote that approval has been received from the authorization center. ID_ADJN_CHK Code4 char(4)
CheckCardNumber The number from a bank issued card guranteeing checks up to a certain value. ID_CRD_CHK Name varchar(40)
CreditDebitCardAmountAppliedToTransaction The monetary amount being applied to the TransactionTotal. CRDB_MO_TRN_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
CreditDebitCardForeignCurrencyAmount The monetary value (in the currency submitted by the Customer) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CRDB_MO_FRG_CY MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
CreditDebitCardExchangeRate The exchange rate used to convert the tendered amount into the default currency of the retail enterprise. CRDB_MO_RTE_EXC MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
CreditDebitCardTenderAmount The monetary value (in the default currency of the retail enterprise) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CRDB_MO_ITM_LN_TND Money decimal(16,5)
CreditDebitCardTenderMediaBrandID Token identifyer for a tender media brand. CRDB_ID_TND_MD_BRN IdentityUUID char(32)
CreditDebitCardType A code denoting which kind of card is being accepted. CRDB_TY_CRD Code6 char(6)
CreditDebitCardIssuerCode The first six digits from the Credit/Debit card. It identifies the bank or other financial institution that issued the debit/credit card used in the transaction. CRDB_ID_ISSR_TND_CRD Code6 char(6)
CreditDebitAdjustmentCode Code to indicate whether a debit or credit adjustment is made to a tender balance. LU_ADJN_CRDB String char(6)
CouponAmountAppliedToTransaction The monetary amount being applied to the TransactionTotal. CPN_MO_TRN_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
CouponForeignCurrencyAmount The monetary value (in the currency submitted by the Customer) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CPN_MO_FRG_CY MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
CouponExchangeRate The exchange rate used to convert the tendered amount into the default currency of the retail enterprise. CPN_MO_RTE_EXC MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
CouponTenderAmount The monetary value (in the default currency of the retail enterprise) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CPN_MO_ITM_LN_TND Money decimal(16,5)
CouponValidationLineItem The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. CPN_IC_LN_ITM_VLD LineNumber smallint
CouponManufacturerID A unique system assigned identifier for the Manufacturer. CPN_ID_MF Identity int
CouponManufacturerFamilyCode The UPC designated three digit coupon family code for the manufacturer item. CPN_FC_FMY_MF ProductCodeFamily char(3)
CouponPromotionCode Identifies a promotion associated with the coupon. Promotion codes are used by manufacturers and suppliers to analyze the impact their promotion is having on sales across a geographic area and over a specified promotional period of time. CPN_LU_CPN_PRM Code6 char(6)
CouponExpirationDate The date a coupon may no longer be used as part of the settlement of a sale transaction. It is normally found in the UCC/EAN-128 coupon extended code. In this code, the expiration code is only four digits and contains only month and year. The day is always the last day of the month. CPN_DC_EP ProductCodeExpiry varchar(20)
CouponQuantity The number of Coupons being tendered. CPN_QY Quantity decimal(9,2)
CouponTypeCode A mnemonic code denoting what kind of Coupon is being tendered. e.g. RetailerIssued, ManufacturerIssued CPN_TY Code4 char(4)
GiftCertificateAmountAppliedToTransaction The monetary amount being applied to the TransactionTotal. GF_CF_MO_TRN_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
GiftCertificateForeignCurrencyAmount The monetary value (in the currency submitted by the Customer) of the tender submitted by the Customer. GF_CF_MO_FRG_CY MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
GiftCertificateExchangeRate The exchange rate used to convert the tendered amount into the default currency of the retail enterprise. GF_CF_MO_RTE_EXC MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
GiftCertificateTenderAmount The monetary value (in the default currency of the retail enterprise) of the tender submitted by the Customer. GF_CF_MO_ITM_LN_TND Money decimal(16,5)
GiftCertificateIssuingRetailStoreID A unique store number reference to identify the RETAIL STORE that issued the GIFT CERTIFICATE. GF_CF_ID_STR_ISSG IdentityUUID char(32)
GiftCertificateSerialNumber Unique number to identify a specific instance of a gift certificate or gift card. GF_CF_ID_NMB_SRZ_GF_CF String char(32)
GiftCertificateUnspentAmount The amount that remains on the balance of the Gift Certificate after the tendering of this line item. GF_CF_MO_UNSP Money decimal(16,5)
CustomerAccountAmountAppliedToTransaction The monetary amount being applied to the TransactionTotal. CTAC_MO_TRN_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
CustomerAccountForeignCurrencyAmount The monetary value (in the currency submitted by the Customer) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CTAC_MO_FRG_CY MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
CustomerAccountExchangeRate The exchange rate used to convert the tendered amount into the default currency of the retail enterprise. CTAC_MO_RTE_EXC MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
CustomerAccountTenderAmount The monetary value (in the default currency of the retail enterprise) of the tender submitted by the Customer. CTAC_MO_ITM_LN_TND Money decimal(16,5)
CustomerAccountID A unique identifier for a customer account. CTAC_ID_CTAC Identity int
CustomerAccountTypeCode Determines what kind of customer account this is. Examples include a trade account, a school account, a not-for-profit, regular customer, etc. LOYALTY - customer loyalty account for tracking points earned/redeemed TRADE - customer business credit account CONSUMER_CHG - customer individual consumer credit extended by retailer INSTALLMENT - credit account set up for one time purchase LAYAWAY - cash time payment account (not credit) RENTAL - customer rental for videos, equipment CTAC_TY_CTAC Code2 char(2)
CustomerAccountCreditStatusCode A distinct type of status code that indicates the current credit state of the CustomerAccount. SAMPLE vales include: GOOD - Customer is current and may charge purchases SUSPENDED - customer account is behind and customer may not charge purchase to this account until it is paid off. This is a temporary state. CLOSED - customer has outstanding balance deemed a poor risk and the account is closed so it cannot be used These are samples only, retailers may define their own codes. CTAC_CD_CR_STS Code varchar(20)
CustomerAccountInvoiceID A unique system assigned identifier for the CustomerAccountInvoice CTAC_ID_INVC Number int
CustomerAccountCustomerRepresentativeID A customer assigned identifier for the Driver fueling the vehicle. CTAC_ID_CT_RPS Identity int
CustomerAccountCardNumber A 16 digit Credit or Debit card PAN as defined by ISO-7812, uniquely identifying CustomerAccountCard. AI_ACNT_CT_CRD String varchar(20)
TradeInAmountAppliedToTransaction The monetary amount being applied to the TransactionTotal. TRADEIN_MO_TRN_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
TradeInForeignCurrencyAmount The monetary value (in the currency submitted by the Customer) of the tender submitted by the Customer. TRADEIN_MO_FRG_CY MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
TradeInExchangeRate The exchange rate used to convert the tendered amount into the default currency of the retail enterprise. TRADEIN_MO_RTE_EXC MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
TradeInTenderAmount The monetary value (in the default currency of the retail enterprise) of the tender submitted by the Customer. TRADEIN_MO_ITM_LN_TND Money decimal(16,5)
TradeInTypeCode Defines the permitted trade-in type TRADEIN_TY_TRD_IN Code2 char(2)
EBTAmountAppliedToTransaction The monetary amount being applied to the TransactionTotal. EBT_MO_TRN_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
EBTForeignCurrencyAmount The monetary value (in the currency submitted by the Customer) of the tender submitted by the Customer. EBT_MO_FRG_CY MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
EBTExchangeRate The exchange rate used to convert the tendered amount into the default currency of the retail enterprise. EBT_MO_RTE_EXC MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
EBTTenderAmount The monetary value (in the default currency of the retail enterprise) of the tender submitted by the Customer. EBT_MO_ITM_LN_TND Money decimal(16,5)
EBTFederalID The unique identifier for the FoodStamps program from which the tendered FoodStamps originated, as assigned by the United States Federal Government. EBT_ID_FDL Name varchar(40)
EBTSerialNumber The serial number on the particular FoodStamps voucher that is being tendered. EBT_UN_SRZ Name varchar(40)
EBTChangeAmount The amount of change being returned to the Customer from this tender line item. This number may have to be reported upon to the government so it is recorded separately. EBT_MO_CHG MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerDimension makes payment through TenderFact
BusinessUnitDimension is responsible for TenderFact
ChannelDimension defines venue for TenderFact
TenderFact occurs during RetailTransactionLineItemReportingPeriodAssociation
TenderFact occurs during RetailTransasctionLineItemCalendarPeriodAssociation

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